Pareuchontha TS = Stenoplastis grandimacula
James S. Miller and Andrew V. Z. Brower- Pareuchontha albimargo
- Pareuchontha grandimacula
- Pareuchontha olibra
- Pareuchontha albipes
- Pareuchontha fuscivena
Miller (1989) erected this genus for species removed from Euchontha, and as of 2009, he is no longer certain that the two genera are sister taxa. Most members of Pareuchontha occur on the eastern slopes of the Andes from Ecuador to Bolivia, but P. fuscivena occurs on the western slope in Colombia. Most specimens have been collected puddling on rocks in rivers.Characteristics
Members of Pareuchontha may be distunguished from Euchontha by their shorter labial palpi and narrower wings. Both genera exhibit small eyes with a scaleless gena, and well developed forewing stridulatory organs (in males).References
Miller, JS. 1989. Euchontha Walker and Pareuchontha, new genus (Lepidoptera: Dioptidae) a revision including description of three new species, and discussion of a male forewing modification. Amer. Mus. Novit.: 1-41.
Miller, JS. 2009. Generic revision of the Dioptinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Notodontidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 321, 1-971 + 48 plates.
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Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
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Page: Tree of Life
Pareuchontha TS = Stenoplastis grandimacula.
Authored by
James S. Miller and Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 21 July 2010
- Content changed 21 July 2010
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Miller, James S. and Andrew V. Z. Brower. 2010. Pareuchontha TS = Stenoplastis grandimacula. Version 21 July 2010 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,