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Building Activities:
Fun Ways to Get Started Building Treehouses

treehouse builders toolkit

Welcome Treehouse Builders

Building treehouses offers you the opportunity to publish work online that is related to the study of organisms and biodiversity. From butterflies and frogs to dinosaurs and fungi, treehouses are for celebrating and exploring the diversity of Life on Earth.

We have eight main categories of treehouses that you can choose to contribute, but feel free to mix and match treehouse types to suit your needs and ideas.

For help with composing your treehouse use the other sections of the Treehouse Builders Toolkit.

Let's Build Treehouses!
Do you have some great images to share or stories to tell about your favorite organisms? Want some ideas and activities for neat projects to do outdoors, in the classroom and online? Click the links to the left to see some of our suggestions for building treehouses.

If you have any questions, ideas or projects that you think would benefit from publishing work and studying biodiversity on-line contact Lisa Schwartz at learning@tolweb.org to discuss collaborating. If you are located in or around Tucson, Arizona we may be able to help you get started building treehouses with a classroom visit or a treehouse building workshop.

Below is a brief explanation of each category. For more information and ideas see each treehouse type's page.

investigation icon


Choose an investigation to publish a:

story icon


Publish your story! We are looking for:

fun and games icon

Fun and Games

Let's play! Some examples of games we would like you to contribute are:

art and culture icon

Art and Culture

Some examples of art and culture contributions we welcome are:

teacher resources icon

Teacher Resources

Add materials to guide teaching and learning such as:



Create an inquiry oriented and web-based activity for learners. WebQuests guide learners to information resources on the Internet, and present a task for them to accomplish. Learners are expected to transform the information that they gather in order to address a relevant or real world problem. WebQuests help to guide and contextualize learning to maximize student engagement in the learning process.

biography icon


Here you can pen a biography of a scientist. We will attach scientist biographies to researchers' favorite groups. If you are a biologist, please tell us about yourself and the exciting work that you do. We welcome contributions from scientists of diverse backgrounds and unusual life paths.



Create a portfolio to present treehouses you have built as a complementary group of materials.

Building Treehouses

ToL Learning


building treehouses

building for teachers

Builders Toolkit

planning guide

treehouse tools

adding images/media

tips & guidelines
