miscellaneous fossil Mantodea
- Archaeophlebia enigmatica
(Paleocene, Menat, France)
- Arvernineura insignis
(Paleocene, Menat, France)
- Burmantis
- Burmantis asiatica
(Mid-Cretaceous amber, Myanmar)
- Burmantis lebanensis
(Lower Cretaceous amber, Lebanon)
- Burmantis asiatica
- Chaeteessites minutissimus
(Upper Cretacous amber, Kheta Formation, Siberia)
- Cretomantis larvalis
(Lower Cretaceous, Zaza Formation, Siberia)
- Cretophotina
- Cretophotina mongolica
(Lower Cretaceous, Undurukha Formation, Mongolia)
- Cretophotina selenginensis
(Cretaceous of Mongolia)
- Cretophotina serotina
(Mid-Cretaceous, Kzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan)
- Cretophotina tristriata
(Lower Cretaceous, Zaza Formation, Siberia)
- Cretophotina mongolica
- Electromantis sukatshevae
(Upper Cretaceous amber, Kheta Formation, Siberia)
- Jersimantis
- Jersimantis burmiticus
(Mid-Cretaceous amber, Myanmar)
- Jersimantis luzzii
(Mid-Cretaceous amber, New Jersey)
- Jersimantis burmiticus
- Kazakhophotina corrupta
(Mid-Cretaceous, Kzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan)
- Megaphotina sichotensis
(Oligocene, Primorye Pozharskiy, Russian Far East)
- Santanmantis axelrodi
(Early Cretaceous limestone, Santana Formation, Brazil)
- Vitimiphotina corrugata
(Lower Cretaceous, Zaza Formation, Siberia)
Gratschev and Zherikhin (1993) placed Megaphotina, Arvernineura, Kazakhophotina, Vitimiphotina, Lithophotina, and the Cretophotina species in Chaeteessidae, together with the Recent species of Chaeteessa. However, these authors note that the family thus defined is most likely paraphyletic. Nel and Roy (1996) placed Archaeophlebia enigmatica as Chaeteessidae incertae sedis, and Grimaldi (1997) placed Jersimantis luzzii as Chaeteessidae incertae sedis. Grimaldi (2003) placed Amorphoscelites, Burmantis, Chaeteessites, Cretophotina, Electromantis, Jersimantis, Kazakhaphotina, and Vitimiphotina as Mantodea incertae sedis.
Gratschev, V. G. and V. V. Zherikhin. 1994. New fossil mantids (Insecta, Mantida [sic]). Paleontological Journal 27(1A):148-165.
Grimaldi, D. 1997. A fossil mantis (Insecta: Mantodea) in Cretaceous amber of New Jersey, with comments on the early history of the Dictyoptera. American Museum Novitates 3024:1-11.
Grimaldi, D. 2003. A revision of Cretaceous mantises and their relationships, including new taxa (Insecta: Dictyoptera: Mantodea). American Museum Novitates 3412:1-47.
Grimaldi, D. and M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press.
Nel, A. and R. Roy. 1996. Revision of the fossil "mantids" and "ephemerid" species described by Piton from the Palaeocene of Menat (France) (Mantodea: Chaeteessidae, Mantidae; Ensifera: Tettigonioidea). European Journal of Entomology 93:223-234.
Roy, R. 1999. Morphology and taxonomy. Pages 19-40 in The Praying Mantids. F. R. Prete, H. Wells, P. H. Wells, and L. E. Hurd, eds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, London.
Vrsansky, P. 2002. Origin and the early evolution of mantises. AMBA Projekty 6(1):1-16.
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miscellaneous fossil Mantodea.
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