Pelegrina clemata
Markings whitish instead of yellow distinguish it from insignis. Embolus narrower at tip than in montana, insignis, chaimona, dithalea, much as in balia and chalceola, though these have different markings and a wider carapace than clemata. The tegulum`s prominent bulge is unusual. The dark epigynum with a prominent shiny mound behind the flaps is distinctive.

- Male face
- Palpus
- Female abdomen
- Epigynum
- Male (Richfield, UT)
- Female (Richfield, UT)
Natural History
From sagebrush (Artemisia) in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming (10 records). Also taken from field vegetation (Wash.), Purshia (Ore.), Chrysothamnus (Calif.), Haplopappus and Sarcobatus (Utah), one record each.About This Page
Included on this page are images and text from Maddison, W.P. 1996. Pelegrina Franganillo and other jumping spiders formerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. l54(4): 215-368. These images and text are copyright © 1996 The President and Fellows of Harvard CollegePage copyright © 1995 Wayne Maddison
All Rights Reserved.
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Tree of Life Web Project. 1995. Pelegrina clemata in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 01 January 1995 (under construction).